Retina Platform
Retina is an experimental exhibition platform started by visual artist Geray Mena, cultural manager Olivia Lorraine and Koln Studio. Each edition develops a curatorial process with the collaboration of visual artists that create brand new works that can be seen only during the event.–Retina es un experimento expositivo iniciado por el artista visual Geray Mena, la gestora cultural Olivia Lorraine y Koln Studio. En cada una de sus ediciones plantea un trabajo de comisariado en torno a la obra de distintos artistas plásticos, que generan obras inéditas que pueden verse únicamente durante el evento.Nº01: ParisPhoto 2014 (France)Nº02: Shapes, London (UK)Nº03: OT301, Amsterdam (Netherlands)Nº04: Libros Mutantes Art Book Fair 2016, Madrid (Spain)